Getting along with Sencha ExtJs 7 GPL

“Do or do not. There is no try.” © Master Yoda

Timur Ramazanov
3 min readDec 11, 2020
Sencha Ext Js official example screenshot
Sencha Ext Js official example screenshot

There are plenty of frameworks and libraries in the mighty and chaotic universe of the Frontend. This is not about them. Lets talk about one of the most established — Sencha Ext Js.

There are lots of components and controls ready to use in your browser. And most likely you did not even know that you could have them for free. Of course, carefully following GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3) Terms & Conditions.

Although this short tutorial might be interesting especially for those who have known Ext Js before and might utilize it in the “backend developer way”. For example, as a Java monolith on some Darth Weblogic. Which isn’t so bad and dark, but kind of irrelevant nowadays. Also, this article may be a good start for some new apprentices.

First to go GPL Licensing — and please make sure that you are one of the

developers that are willing to release the source code to their applications

for whom

Sencha provides an open source licensing option…

Also, good to know this

Sencha’s current GPL policy for Ext JS is that major releases, such as 6.0, 7.0, and the first minor release immediately following a major release, such as 7.0.1, are available under GPL v3. All other releases, such as 6.5 and 6.5.1, are available to commercial license customers with current maintenance and support agreements.

Get your open source Sencha ExtJs SDK

You can download the latest Ext JS GPL version by completing the form on the right and clicking on the download SDK button.

Have a quick glance on Licensing and Open Source FAQ — Sencha and you are ready to go. Assuming that you have all the stuff like Node, npm, and everything you need.

Do not forget your Username and Password to the Sencha npm repository.

Step 1: Login to npm with username and password provided

Step 2: Install the app generator which can scaffold a new project quickly

Step 3: Generate your first Ext JS application

Step 4: Open and explore your new Ext JS app

Go see package.json and webpack.config.js. Quickly realize where you are and start acting appropriately.



Timur Ramazanov
Timur Ramazanov

Written by Timur Ramazanov


Software Development Jedi

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